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Conscious Vagina


What contribution can your body and your vagina be to the life you desire to create?

What if there were no barriers to receiving from any part of the body?

Conscious Vagina is a Global Wellness For All and Access Consciousness® Specialty Program. It provides pragmatic tools, resources, body processes to create communication and communion with all parts of the body – a oneness including everything and excluding nothing.

All Genders are welcome.

Conscious Vagina offers programs, workshops, body processes, private sessions, couple sessions, products, and more.

Each services is designed to create a safe space for the participants to develop communion with all parts of the body – The Being, the Body, the Earth and allowing everything to gift and contribute with each other.

What else is now possible with bodies ?

What contribution can your body and your vagina be to the life you desire to create? What if there were no barriers to receiving from any part of your body?

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Conscious Vagina - Intro


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Conscious Vagina - Intro


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Conscious Vagina - Intro


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Conscious Vagina - Intro


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Conscious Vagina - Intro


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Conscious Vagina - Intro


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Conscious Vagina 1.5 days


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Conscious Vagina Intro


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Conscious Vagina 1.5 days


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Conscious Vagina Intro


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