Upcoming Events

What is working in your life and health that you would like to make better?
What would you like to change or improve in your life?
What would you like to add to your life?
What if creating wellness in your body and health, relationships, finances, and/or career can be different than you have ever imagined?

What is now available for us to create and contribute to? What would you like to add to your life? What contribution can we all be, to ourselves, to each other, to the Earth?
What if both contribution as well as creation, only require a desire that fuels them?
Join us in Chaos in Contribution, a 14-day adventure discovering what else is possible. We'll have marvelous guests, energy pulls, symphony group tasters, tools for change, and so much more.
More Information in English

We invite you to The Crazy Lazy Wealthy Lady membership. The monthly exploration of pragmatic tools and activities you can apply to work for you, your way and for anything you would like to create in your life
What is your unique way of creating?
What comes to you so easily?
What do you know about the creation of wealth?

Talk To The Entities

March 10th
Talk to The Entities is the introduction to seeing the world in a whole new way.
What if the spirit world was not something to fear but rather something to work with and around?
Is now the time to explore your capacities?

Starting Mar 10th
The Talk to the Entities Beginning opens the doors of awareness, conversation, contribution and ways to engage and work with the spirit world.
What if entity awareness is a potency and gift? What if there is a whole world that desires to contribute but it may look so different than we imagined?

Mar 14 & 15th
Now that you have discovered the foundational tools of Talk To The Entities Beginning, are you ready to step up your engagement with the spirit world with the Intermediate class?
What questions do you still have and what awarenesses would you like to explore?
Awareness of all will grow your life. The choice now is yours.

Recordings Available
A Talk To The Entities FREE Taster 👻
Register to receive the recordings of January 17th's Call
Also available in Spanish, French, Portuguese and Mandarin!

Live In Dubai

April 23rd to 25th
Using the tools of Access Consciousness, RVFY provides pragmatic tools to remove the masks and be the voice of you in your world and the world.
What would your voice desire to share with the world?
Is now the time to discover?

April 26 and 27th
Conscious Horse, Conscious Rider combines stunning and unique outlooks on communicating with horses, to improve the performance of both horse and rider.
Are you willing to discover what will work for you and your horse?

More Online Classes

Starting Jan 27th
A Different Take on Kids with ADD, ADHD, OCD, and Autism
What if they could be seen as who they are, not as who they aren't? What could that change?
Let's find that out together in this 5-call bookclub

Starting Feb 20th
Join us in Chaos in Contribution, a 14-day adventure discovering what else is possible.
We'll have marvelous guests, energy pulls, symphony group tasters, tools for change, and so much more.
And what's more, all proceeds go to El Lugar Resort.

February 23rd - FREE!
What if opportunities and possibilities surpassed problems?
What if all it took was a shift in perspective to increase productivity and even profitability?

April 9th
What is your voice? What does it want to share with the world? What does it want to empower?
A tools to empower you to being seen, being heard, connecting with an audience, stepping out of your comfort zone and so much more.

February 27th
Money is energy.
Money flows in and flows out.
Would you be willing to seduce it in? 🫦
Put on your favorite shoes and come dance your points of views away

April 15th
Are you willing to take a leap? To your dreams, to a new business, to a travel, to a relationship, to a life-change?
Join us for the Leap Frog class and let's take a leap to everything we desire and never dared to go yet.
If frogs can, why don't we?

Grow: Business Hacks
a 30 Day Journey with Laleh Hancock
What are the futures you have already generated and created with your choices today?
More of Access Consciousness

A New Audio Streaming App for Everyone: the College for Expanded Awareness and Consciousness!

Actions For Futures
We are collecting donations for the people of Sarapiqui, Costa Rica who have lost almost everything in the recent flood crisis.

Dare 2b Different
Bridging the gap between normal and miraculous. 8 Days of Inspiration, Creation, and Possibilities!