Our Top Choices of Empowering Books

Advanced How To Become Money Workbook by Gary Douglas


What if money was a vehicle to change the world? What if you were willing to receive unlimited amounts of money?
What is money? For some, money is cars; for some, money is houses; for some, money is security. But, is money any of those things? No, it's not. Money is energy, just as are you energy. 


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A World of Choice A World of Freedom by Gary Douglas


Do you realize that every choice you make determines what shows up in your life? So the question becomes: What do you wish to create? Gary talks about how to become brilliant with money, how to choose what works for you, and how to acknowledge what you have chosen, without judgment, so you can expand your capacity for choice, and actualize the future you truly desire.


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Beings of Light by Shannon O'Hara


What is Beings of Light?

Most have forgotten them, others totally disbelieve and very few receive. The Beings of Light are here to work with us to create greatness on earth. To enjoy the greatness of embodiment and flourish with life and nature. Diving into this book will be an energetic experience like no other. Open the book and start RECEIVING – Shannon O'Hara


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Being You Changing the World by Dr Dain Heer


In the book Being You, Changing the World, Dr. Dain Heer gives you the practical tools and processes that will allow you to unlock new possibilities for you and the world. That's right: changing the world starts with you, being you.


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Blessed Possibilities by Gary Douglas


What are the possibilities you have never even considered? What if there’s a different possibility for the creation of money? What if you can actually do things you never thought were possible? What if you discovered—and lived—your reality? What if you created what was possible with your body? What if finding your sexual reality would open you up to a whole different universe of living? What if you lived on the creative edge of possibility

You, as an infinite being, have infinite choice, infinite question, infinite possibilities, and infinite contribution, but you are rejecting the gift of possibility. ~ Gary Douglas


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Body Whispering by Dr Dain Heer


What if starting a conversation with your body could be the beginning of the best friendship you’ve ever had?

Let me introduce you to a book that can invite you to step into the phenomenal capacities for body whispering that we all have available but were never invited to learn!

It will give you the tools for a totally different paradigm when it comes to healing, change, and transformation for you, the bodies around you, and your clients.


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Divorceless Relationships by Gary Douglas & Dr Dain Heer


What if you didn't have to divorce you in order to create an intimate relationship?

A divorceless relationship is one where you don't have to divorce any part of you in order to be in a relationship with someone else. It is a place where everyone and everything you are in a relationship with can become greater as a result of the relationship.


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Joy of Business by Simone Milasas


The joy of business is about the difference that business can be. It’s not a “how-to” book. It doesn’t set out to give you answers to your business problems or dilemmas. Instead it opens up the space for you to do business in an entirely different way.


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Money Isn't The Problem You Are by Gary Douglas, Dr Dain Heer


Money Isn't the Problem, You Are is written for people who live in a constant state of difficulty around money, whether it's spending too much, not having enough, or having too much. This books offers you out of the box concepts with money. It is not about money. It never is. It's about what you're willing to receive. What could a different perspective and approach to money do for you and your bank account?


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Pragmatic Psychology by Susanna Mittermaier


It’s about being you.

How much of your life do you spend trying to fix your “problems” and fit in with the norm—and then judging yourself because you are never quite good enough? What if the parts of yourself you’ve been told are weak, wrong, or just plain crazy are exactly what you need to live life fully with happiness and joy? Pragmatic Psychology invites you to see your life through a radically different and liberating perspective—one that will help you tap into your unique brilliance and create the life you want.


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Return of the Gentleman


First and foremost, says Dr. Heer, "being a true gentleman is about being the greatest you can be as a man—whatever that looks like for you," and his book is full of tools and strategies to help you get there. 


I'd like to present you with possibilities that will get you to the place where you can be the greatest version of yourself as a man -- whatever that looks like for you.

--Dr. Dain Heer


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Right Body For You by Gary Douglas , Donnielle Carter


Isn't it time to stop the patterns and habits with your body that keep you stuck? Is your body an ease or burden? This is a very different perspective about bodies and your ability to change yours. It might all be easier than you ever knew was possible! Right Body for You is a book that will inspire you and show you a different way of creating the body you truly desire.


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Talk To The Animals by Gary Douglas & Dr Dain Heer


Did you know that every animal, every plant, every structure on this planet has consciousness and desires to gift to you?
From an actual horse whisperer, medium and lover of all animals, Access Consciousness founder Gary M. Douglas, and Dr. Dain Heer show you how you can start to truly receive the gifts that animals can be for you, and that you can be for every animal.

Every animal, every plant, every structure on this planet has consciousness and desires to gift to you. If you are unwilling to receive that, you miss out on what they want to give you, and you also limit your ability to receive in every area of life.

–Gary M. Douglas

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The Gift of Allowance by Gary Douglas


The Gift of Allowance offers a set of simple tools for finding your own identity without being lost in the fog of other’s points of view about you and your world.

Reading the book and using the tools can change your life and allow you to determine just who you are and who you want to be.


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A Dama (The Lady - Portuguese Version)


A Dama se trata de uma maneira gentil, elegante, lúdica – e muito poderosa – de ser no mundo, que se estende a todos os aspectos da vida, desde negócios, dinheiro e parentalidade até flerte, sedução e sexo.

Uma dama é uma fonte de poder que cria possibilidade. Ela escolhe ser tudo que é sem ser definida por aquilo que os outros pensam que ela deveria ser. Ela sabe o que deseja e como consegui-lo. Ela lidera sem controlar – ela nunca tem que competir com ninguém.

“Uma dama é sempre uma inspiração para as pessoas, apenas por saber quem ele ou ela é.”

–Gary M. Douglas


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La dama (The Lady - Spanish Version)


La dama se trata de una forma de ser en el mundo que es amable, elegante, juguetona y muy poderosa, que se extiende a todos los aspectos de la vida, desde los negocios, el dinero y la educación de los hijos, hasta el coqueteo, la seducción y el sexo.

Una dama es una fuente de poder que crea posibilidad. Ella elige ser todo lo que es, sin definirse por lo que otros piensan que debería ser. Sabe lo que desea y cómo obtenerlo. Lidera sin controlar y nunca tiene que competir.

“Una dama siempre es una inspiración para los demás, con tan solo saber quién es”.

–Gary M. Douglas


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The Lady


The Lady is about a kind, elegant, playful—and very powerful—way of being in the world that extends to all aspects of life, from business, money and parenting to flirtation, seduction and sex.

A lady is a source of power that creates possibility. She chooses to be everything that she is without being defined by what others think she should be. She knows what she desires and how to get it. She leads without controlling—she never has to compete with anyone.

A lady is always an inspiration to others, just by knowing who he or she is.

–Gary M. Douglas


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Our Top Choices of Telecalls

A Rocket to a New Reality May-16 Teleseries


There's a new reality available where the rules that used to exist no longer apply.

Reality is melting into the space of unadulterated possibilities.

New rules.
New reality.
New choices.
New possibilities.

Nothing is impossible anymore.

As always, it's just a choice.


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A Taste of Being Access X-Men Feb-19 Houston


What if YOU are far greater than you’ve ever given yourself credit for?

What if we, together, have the capacity to BE what creates the future we know is possible?

Is now the time for you to step into being you?

Is now the time to truly start LIVING?

Together, we’ll go on a journey of creation… to a space that has never existed before.



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Claiming your Superpowers Apr-17 Teleseries 1


Are you willing to be that potent, that aware, and that unassailable in your life and in your living and invite others to be the same? Now is the time to fly my superhero friends … and this is your invitation.

Claiming your superpowers is about accessing a level of what has previously been called magic, that is actually your inherent and innate capacity to ask and receive and to create a different world around you, simply by your request and the fact that you be. 


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Phenomenance of Business Apr-15 Teleseries


The Phenomenance of Business is about using business to create a different reality, rather than just using business to be more successful. What if you created possibilities with business? The truth is that there are only possibilities available if we are willing to create something greater.

If we continue to function from using and abusing the earth to get what we want, the end result is going to be a world that’s not livable.


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The Home of Infinite Possibilities Jan-15 


The Home of Infinite Possibilities is a different perspective of ‘home’.

The Home of Infinite Possibilities is where you realize that your home exists where Infinite Possibilities begin.

When you are truly home, you will be the home, you will be the awareness of where infinite possibilities begins and you cease to be limited. If you truly are at home, you’re at the place where everything that you actually are can be. 

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7 Steps To Orgasm Sep-09 Teleseries


This series is not only about improving your orgasmic experience in the bedroom. It also introduces the possibility for having an orgasmic life. What is that? What would it be like to have nurturing, caring, healing, joyful and playfulness for you and your body in everyday life? Find out how right here.




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12 Steps to Creating a Business that Works


Most people keep trying to find the solution to what isn't letting their business work, rather than taking the steps that will create the business. These will be the 12 steps you need to do daily to get to the goal you have not achieved.

Join Gary Douglas for an intensive in Business to begin creating and generating beyond the limitations of this reality. This original teleseries began with a 3 day intensive (a 90 min call each day + home play) followed by 4 additional calls that occurred every 2 weeks.



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69 Shades of Hedonism Apr-13 Teleseries


How often do you allow yourself to choose something just because it would be pleasurable to you and your body? How often to you allow yourself to indulge in that pleasure without judgment or guilt? How many walls and barriers come up just at the thought of adding more pleasure to your li?

Over the course of these 6 calls we will explore what could actually be possible if we would all start choosing to create our lives from the joy, the adventure, and the pleasure of being alive. We’ll be looking at hedonistic ways to create your business, your relationships, money flows, your body and your future. Are you willing to have that much fun?

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Feelings Nothing Truly Nothing More Apr-17 Teleseries


You will hate this call and you will change everything.

– Gary M. Douglas

 Feelings are what you use to stop creation. Awareness is what will create creation. Choice is what it takes to change it all.

– Gary M. Douglas

 Choose out of feeling and find true possibility.

 If you were truly the intensity of you nothing could impinge or impel you and nothing could ever stop you.
– Gary M. Douglas

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