Talk To The Entities®
Talk To The Entities® is an Access Consciousness® specialty class designed to create clarity, ease and ability for people with the spirit world. Yes, we mean ghosts and we also mean so much more!
TTTE is a set of tools, processes, and philosophies that will totally revolutionize the way you think, feel and function with the spirit world and probably your whole life. It is the information you should have been given at day one, that so few people are.
People are born with the ability to perceive energy and spirits; it is a gift not a disability.
Talking to entities is not a sickness that needs to be hidden; it is a strength that has been tremendously misunderstood.
What if interacting with and receiving from the spirit world could be one of the greatest gifts to you and the world? The future of our world depends on the awareness of it's people. What would a world where consciousness dominated be like?
What more can we all be aware of that will give us access to the gifts that we be?