Creating a Collaborative Culture in Business

business conscious question Nov 06, 2022

Read original publication here.

It is possible to create a thriving business culture where shared ideas, innovation, and creativity support an organization to succeed, expand and even defy expectations?

A business like this may seem a rare occurrence, but in truth, anyone can instigate a creative and collaborative culture by applying some simple tools – and being willing to become a conscious leader.

What is a conscious leader?

Consciousness includes all possibilities and rejects nothing. Consciousness allows us to take off the blinders and barriers we put in place with limited thinking and mindsets. A conscious leader is committed to seeing beyond any limitation or problem to what is truly possible – and they are willing to have anything, and anyone contribute to them along the way.

Here are 4 key elements you can put into play to consciously lead you, the business, staff and colleagues to create a business culture that is collaborative and expansive:

Let Go of Everything the Bu...

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An Irrational Guide to Parenting, Part 2 - with Conscious Parents Conscious Kids Facilitators

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

The whole area of parenting can be very challenging for parents and kids. It doesn’t have to be. But most people make it that way. The expectations of how you are supposed to be as a parent, the conclusions about what it means to be a good parent, what a good parent does, what a bad parent does, what a good parent doesn’t do
 you get the idea. No wonder so many parents and kids are not having any fun!

If you are trying to be a good parent, if you are trying to get it right, would you be willing to give that up? What if you were willing to do it wrong? What if you stopped judging you and your kids?

As Gary Douglas, founder of Access Consciousness says, “I can’t teach you the rules of parenting because there are none. I can teach you the possibilities of parenting.” (Next Generation Telecall)

If you are interested in the possibilities of parenting, if you would like have FUN as a parent, if you would like to empower your kids to be all they can be, you’ve come to the right place. Cons...

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Start Your Week Happy

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

Click here to listen to the full podcast.

What if every Monday or any day you have work to do and things to create is a fun day? In this episode learn the tools you can use to create your workday as effectively as possible and have fun too! Join Rebecca Hulse and Laleh Hancock to get your week off to a jump start!

Guest Bios:

Laleh Alemzadeh Hancock is a management consultant, Joy of Business facilitator and the CEO of Belapemo and Global Wellness For All.

With nearly 30 years of experience in operational excellence, change management, and organizational wellness, Laleh has inspired and empowered businesses and hundreds of thousands of individuals, including Fortune 500 executives, to seek greater success and wellness.

Rebecca Hulse is an author, speaker, Joy of Business Certified Facilitator and possibility-maker.

She is an Access ConsciousnessÂź Certified Facilitator, event organiser and consultant, who revels in shaking up the realities and limiting paradigms of her clients.


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Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

Click here to read original publication.

Success for business and business leaders today hinges on the ability to be adaptable; to innovate and take advantage of new opportunities constantly arising in today’s ever-changing markets.

Predictable business planning, strategy formulation and setting goals for the year with rigid precision no longer works and the truly successful businesses are those that are willing to be ahead of the curve and do something different.

How can your business planning better embrace change and the unpredictability of the world we live in?


1. Successes and failures of the past are not the basis of your strategic choices today.
If you are considering bringing strategic plans and goals from last year into the current year, you need to ask – are these still relevant the business this year, or am I trying to make up for past ...

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12 People Share the Most Valuable Lessons From Their First Jobs

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

These stories will remind you how valuable your first job was, too.

No matter how many times you’ve changed jobs or switched career fields, the lessons you learned from your first job have likely stayed with you. And whether you loved your first professional experience or spent the majority of time wishing for Friday, those lessons have shaped you into the manager, colleague, or entrepreneur you are today. 

We asked members of the Thrive community to share the most valuable lessons they gained from their first jobs, and how they used their experiences as opportunities for growth.

Give credit where credit is due

“I learned the importance of saying thank you. My boss at one of my very first jobs was incredible at building others up, giving credit where credit was due, and thanking each employee individually for their efforts — not just in mass group appreciation. This practice made me feel valued and want to work that much harder. Now, in a manager type role myself, I make it a prior...

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How to ‘Boss’ Better: Creating and Managing Happy, Engaged Staff

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

To read original publication, click here.

Employees who quit their roles say that 50%–90% of the time, the reason they leave involves their boss. Those who stay loyal and happy at work cite recognition, a sense of achievement, and being heard and valued in their job as key factors for enduring.

As a manager, you have a direct impact on staff engagement in their role and the organization. How do you make sure that you effectively involve, engage, and empower your staff?

Here are the essential questions to consider if you desire to be the kind of boss people don’t want to leave:

Do you share information?

Keeping staff out of the loop regarding organizational initiatives, strategies, and targets can severely limit their ability to add value. It can leave them feeling blindsided when problems arise that they know they could have contributed to changing—if they’d been made more aware.

While you don’t need to “tell all from the top,” it is important to openly communicate business chall...

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“Ser líder es incluirte a ti en todas tus elecciones”

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

To read original publication, click here.

Siento como que vuelo. Estoy sentada en un cafecito en el barrio de Las Letras en Madrid. ÂżCĂłmo es que lleguĂ© aquĂ­? Eligiendo. Hace un par de semanas recibĂ­ un correo que contenĂ­a un video con una pregunta que me encantĂł: “¿CuĂĄnto espacio podemos ocupar mi cuerpo y yo para no vernos afectados por los universos y realidades de otras personas?” Y fue mĂĄgico. ÂżCuĂĄntas veces basamos nuestra vida en lo que escuchamos que hacen y dicen los demĂĄs, cuando nosotros sabemos que puede existir algo distinto para nosotros?

Estuve haciendo esa pregunta varias veces al día y le escribí para agradecerle a Laleh Hancock, quien me había mandado ese video. Ella fue un gran regalo para mi porque fue con quien me estrené como traductora el año pasado. La verdad es que yo nunca imaginé que pudiera dedicarme a traducir. En aquel entonces fue un juego, ya que estaban solicitando traductores al español y nadie levantó la mano. Yo dije sí y se abrió un mundo maravillo...

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Confidence, Gratitude, and Innovation with Laleh Hancock

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

Turn your problems into possibilities with gratitude.

Confidence. Some people seem to have infinite amounts of it, never doubting themselves as they speak up, take risks, and pursue innovation. Yet, others seem to struggle with self-doubt and fear in even the smallest things that they do. Laleh Hancock is an expert on the topic and joins me to shed some light on this fascinating subject and how it influences innovation.

Laleh Hancock is the Founder and CEO of Belapemo and has dedicated her career and personal life to inspiring and empowering individuals and organizations who want to exponentially grow their lives and businesses. She has over 25 years of experience building successful consulting firms, service organizations, and product companies, and has been recently featured in the new book Leaders & Legends,alongside Steve Jobs, Suzy Orman, and many others.

One of the things Laleh is known for is helping people increase their confidence and that’s one of the factors of innovation...

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Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

Click here to read original publication.

Who do you rely on to advise you about your finances? Whether you are taking the steps to completely engage with your finances for the first time, or you know it’s time to take your wealth creation to the next level – what if today, you became the CFO of your life? Let’s dive into how to manage your own wealth creation. 

STEP ONE – Set the foundation for financial awareness and wealth creation

  • Know exactly how much revenue and expenditure you are currently generating. What do your finances look like right now? You must have clarity about your current financial situation so that you know what your next financial targets need to be.
  • Know exactly how much money you need to run your life/business as you would truly like it to be. What would you like your finances to be? Write down all the costs of running your life and your business as you would like. Include the essentials and all the fun things – dinners out etc. Add what you would like to h
  • ...
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Get Your Voice Heard

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2022

5 tips to follow

Click here to read original publication.

Getting a pay raise is an important way for an organization to acknowledge the work and contribution you are making both in your role and to the business as a whole. However, according to information released in a recent Compensation Best Practices survey conducted by PayScale, while 66% of employers site talent retention as an area of increasing concern, most organizations are not implementing higher base pay increases in an attempt to address it. 

If you believe you deserve a raise, don’t rely on your manager to recognize your value on their own and put you forward. If you want it, be willing to speak up and ask for it. More than ever it is important to be proactive, and live by the motto: don’t wait, create!

Follow these five tips to get your voice heard, gaining the recognition you deserve, and of course, getting that raise!

1. Know Your Value in the Job Market

In most cases, you will be asked why you want a raise, and...

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