Coffee with Entrepreneurs Replay - Graeme Crosskill & Laleh A. Hancock

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2022

Coffee with Entrepreneurs

– Replay –

Coffee with Entrepreneurs is a free to air radio show where Graeme Crosskill interviews global entrepreneur, Laleh A. Hancock, about all things entrepreneur.

Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur, or desire to start, this show is for you.

Another insightful and daring looking into the world and possibilities of Entrepreneurship.

Watch the replay of the interview HERE

Meet Graeme Crosskill, and Guest, Laleh Hancock

Graeme Crosskill is a curious wonderer. He wonders about people & how they function in this world. He wonders about business and how it can contribute towards more ease, joy & possibility. Graeme is a natural entrepreneur, he gets a kick out of creating new & successful businesses, and as an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, he facilitates clients into creating more for their own lives & businesses. When he’s not creating or facilitating, you will find him zipping around his seaside town on his Vespa, meeting interesting...

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Lose The Labels

breath fear labels Nov 05, 2022

Lose the Labels.  The labels we are given (or adopt) throughout life are useful to some degree – there are times when it is necessary for others to know that you are a mother, grandmother, wife, corporate executive, entrepreneur, student, and so on. However, the greatest challenge many women face with labels is that these categorizations have become entwined with ultimate self-identity. The words that are there to describe us have become words that define us.  

In order to create the life you deserve – an amazing life, full of possibility and fun – it is vitally important to become aware of the limitations labels can have on your life, your self-worth and your ability to choose greater possibilities for yourself.  

For example, some years ago, a company where I was employed began advertising for a top executive role. In my mind, I came to a conclusion about the expectations of the job and how it would cause me to spend more time away from my children. For me, the label of “top execut...

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Freeing Yourself From Limits: What Every Leader Needs To Know

leader question Nov 05, 2022

Free yourself from limits, because you are a leader!

If you are reading this article, you are interested in the tools and techniques to achieve that which you truly desire and to motivate others towards the same.

However, did you realize that you, being authentically you, and creating the life and business that you truly desire (no matter what anybody else thinks, says or does) is already being a leader! 

You don’t need followers to be a leader. It’s about making a demand of yourself and being the invitation for others.

What if only you could stop you?

What makes a leader stand still?  Preconceived ideas about change.

It’s our preconceived ideas that stop us; our ideas about our roles and where we see ourselves fitting into the world and our businesses. The funny thing is, we are the ones who have defined what that world looks like; it’s not real! 

There was a time in my life when the technology company I was working for adve...

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What Question Can You Ask Today To Create Greater Right Away?

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2022

What Question Can You Ask Today To Create Greater Right Away?  I just love this video!  It’s titled, How To Put The Joy Back In Business, and it contains the favorite questions of the Joy of Business Facilitators around the globe; questions that they use daily to create greater!

What could you create by choosing one or two of these questions and using them daily in your life?

And it’s not just for business owners.  As Simone Milasas, founder and creator of Joy of Business, says, “Your life is your business and your business is your life.  If you wake up in the morning with blood running through your veins, you are in business!”

Please enjoy, and I hope you start to use some of these very quick and simple, yet incredibly powerful tools.

With much gratitude,


Click HERE to watch video: How To Put The Joy Back In Business


About Joy of Business

Most people don’t see any joy in business. They see business as hard, stressful, stuck, a struggle… and a whole lot of things that ...

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The Link Between Stress and Wellness

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2022

The Link Between Stress and Wellness is an interview between host, Eric Michaels from ehealth radio, and Laleh Hancock, founder and President of Global Wellness For All.  As a management consultant with over 30 years experience working with executives and staff of all levels of many varying organisations, Laleh Hancock has discovered that wellness is linked to how successful you are.  Stress is a detractor from wellness that is so prevalent in our society today, that it is not only showing up in business, but also schools.

Whilst wellness includes what you are eating, being physically fit, etc., it also includes wellness in your business and personal life, such as finances and how you interact with other people.  Is you mind healthy? Are you listening to your body triggers? What solutions do you have?

For many people that Laleh has worked with, the minute they started focusing on wellness in other areas of their life, their overall business success improved.  For example, their produ...

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Benevolent Capitalism

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2022

Business Today Needs A New Paradigm.

Conventional Business Practices Are Out Of Balance And We Need To Address This Imbalance NOW!

To truly change the world, there needs to be a different kind of conversation going on globally about what business can actually be, about the true source of innovation and about the leadership techniques that will create a greater future for all.

What would it be like if businesses worldwide began to function differently?

What if you were always looking from a different place with everything in order to create something greater than what is currently here?

What could you create in business and in the world if you started recognizing what you saw that others don’t? Started asking what you know that can contribute to the possibilities of the planet?

I invite you to read these four articles by Gary M. Douglas, founder and co-creator of Access Consciousness, on Benevolent Capitalism and creating greater in business.  Articles include:

  • What is Benevole
  • ...
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What Is Special About You?

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2022

Guest Blog: Access ConsciousnessÂŽ

What Is Special About You?

What is special about you? Have you ever actually looked at it? Or have you spent your entire life looking outside of you for something you already are?

Here are our top 3 tips to start finding the specialness of you:

ASK: “What is it that I do, so easily, so effortlessly, so brilliantly that others find difficult?”

We’re talking about those things that you do, that you’re great at, that you think are no big deal, that you create with total ease. Make a list and then take a moment to actually acknowledge them. Acknowledge you.

ALLOW: You to be the specialness of you, no matter how different that makes you.

The definition for special is “greater or otherwise different from what is usual.” In other words, what makes you special, makes you different. Different isn’t bad. Different isn’t wrong. Different is just different.  And yet, we so often judge ourselves for what’s different about ourselves rather than recognizing ...

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How To Keep The Business Moving Forward During A Downsizing

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2022

Click here to read original publication.

Most companies these days have experienced some kind of downsizing of the organization. The job of the HR staff and leadership during a downsizing is never easy. They need to ensure the downsizing strategy is executed, the legal aspects are considered, while also creating an environment where the leaders and managers are trained effectively and empowered to keep the business moving forward.

Here are some steps to keep the business moving forward:

Include your leaders in the conversation as early as possible

Keeping leaders informed One of the biggest complaints of most leaders in a downsizing is that they were informed at the last minute. The lack of information can create confusion, frustration, and may impact the performance of the business. Even though most of the high level conversations may already be decided, allowing the leaders to be part of some of the decisions is key. They can provide critical information on personnel and roles in the organization that a...

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Including Your Body In Your Living

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2022

Guest blog by Kerry Garner Venter

Including your body in your living
How to have more ease and communion with your body.

Are you including your body in your living?  For many years I wasn’t. Even though at the age of 16 I was certified in Reiki and then shortly after that multiple alternative healing modalities and methodologies, I valued anything that involved my mind and cognition and mental state over my body.

I never realized how vital my body was in the equation. As a result, it was constantly trying to get my attention through various dis-eases.

But no matter how loud it shouted at me, I didn’t listen. I was too busy trying to figure out the answers with my mind and/or listen to those who thought they knew/had the answers about me and my body.

Then when I started using the tools of Access Consciousness® – which empowered me to tap into my own knowing and that of my body, instead of providing me with answers – a whole new way of Being in the world and with my body started show...

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Thriving With A Conscious Business

What does the term ‘conscious business’ mean to you?

As soon as the word ‘conscious’ is used, some people go straight to the conclusions they have made. If you have any assumptions or definitions about a ‘conscious business’, then that limits your capacity to actually have a thriving and constantly expanding business. Versus, if you remain in the unconscious or unaware space, you will limit the possibilities for your business to thrive, avoid the potential disasters, and not allow yourself to profit from your conscious business.

Whereas, in truth, a conscious business is about mindfulness. It is being aware of everything that is current, anything that needs improvement or changes, and requirements to grow and thrive. It is about including everybody in the company in the creation, decisions and ramifications of the business.

What consciousness is not about is depriving you and your business of profits. This is a really big point, because in today’s society, there can be a segregation...

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