Everything Is Consciousness with Laleh Hancock

Listen to the Podcast here.

Today’s interview we hear about Laleh’s childhood story and she shares incredible insights and inspirational messages for women in business.

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How The World Benefits When You Love Who You Are And Live It

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2020

Here are 6 simple yet powerful tools

What kind of person creates a greater impact on the world? Someone who loves their life, who they are, and truly lives it out loud or someone who hesitates, holds back, and hides from the world

You’ll always contribute far more to the world when you recognize that you are of unique value and choose to live as the gift you are.  

This may sound “airy-fairy” but it’s actually highly pragmatic. Engaging in the world as your unique self with no apology is truly fundamental to being generative and joyful in life and business.

It also creates a dynamic ripple effect out into the world that goes beyond your immediate realm of work and play. The challenge is that most of us have been raised on paradigms of judgment and are raised to see the world through polarized perspectives of right and wrong, good and bad, and failure versus success.

  The good news is that these are fast becoming antiquated notions – and ones you must go beyond if you desire t...

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Is Fear of Failure Stopping You?

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2020

Click here to read original publication on danamanciagli.com.

There is nothing more universal than the fear of failure. It’s an epidemic in both our personal and professional lives, and left unchecked it could spell disaster. Worse, nobody in an organization is immune to it, at any level. And that can compound the problem as pressures from above invariably roll downhill.

“People tend to translate failure into catastrophe,” says Laleh Alemzadeh-Hancock, a management and professional services consultant, and the founder and CEO of global professional services company, Belapemo. “They immediately focus on the worst possible result of their failure and it becomes paralyzing.”

I asked Laleh if she could provide a few tools to put in your toolbox if this is something you’ve faced.

Acknowledge that the fear might not be yours

“We’re not as separate from each other as we like to think,” Laleh says. “Imagine that you’re a radio receiver and everybody is unknowingly broadcasting their tho...

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You’re Not Forgotten – How to Stay Relevant When Working from a Distance

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2020

Click here to read original publication.

Change is a natural part of living and business.

However, with the sudden and widespread changes catalyzed by the current global pandemic, and people required to work in isolation, it is impossible to continue business as usual without risk of quickly becoming redundant.

To stay relevant and thrive requires approach, starting with the willingness to step up to a new level of leadership – one that isn’t based on your or job title, but on your personal choice and demand to have a greater future, no matter what.

Sudden change of this degree is not necessarily comfortable, but it doesn’t have to be difficult or unpleasant. It can be a time of great growth and innovation.

Here are 4 key steps to lead from the front in unpredictable times, and from wherever you are currently working:

1. Be Present with What is Required Now

Fear in times of uncertainty can have a domino effect. With so many countries being impacted right now, perpetuating panic ...

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Revolutionize The Way You Do Business

Uncategorized Jun 03, 2020

Click here to watch full conversation.

With all the changed going on in the world, the request for a total different way of creating and living in this planet has been created.   What is required now?

What actions does the future business require to be explored now?  Join Laleh Hancock and Dr. Carleta Tiba as they explore this conversation.


Find Laleh: 

LinkedIn:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/lalehhancock
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LalehAlemzadehHancock
Email: [email protected]
Access Consciousness: https://www.accessconsciousness.com/LalehHancock

Find Carleta: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carletatiba/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carletatiba/
Access Consciousness: https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en/public-profiles/carleta-tiba/

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5 Surprising (And Subtle) Ways To Shift Focus And Get Your Voice Heard

choice Feb 25, 2020

Click here to read original publication on Forbes.

Being seen and heard in the world can be a scary prospect: what if people judge you, reject you, try to cut you down, stop you, misunderstand or misrepresent you?

It’s time to change that narrative, because yours is the voice that is needed right now. When you hold back and are not willing to be heard, share your ideas or even follow your “inner voice,” you not only harm your business and life, but you rob the world of the unique gifts that only you can contribute.

Your voice has value, and it’s easier than you think to start choosing to share it.

Here are 5 surprisingly subtle, yet powerful ways, you can claim your voice that you may not have considered:

1. Listen

Most people are only willing to hear what aligns with their own perspectives and won’t see what’s possible beyond that. True listening is being willing to receive from and engage with others with zero barriers, zero agenda and no expectations. It creates greater connec...

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Aging GreatFULLy with Holley Kelley

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2020

Click here to listen to full length podcast.

A Valentine’s show for everyone!

Join the power-hour of enlightenment as we welcome guest Laleh Hancock, Founder and CEO of Belapemo, a global professional services company.
In this episode, we will discuss all things relationships, past, present or future! Wherever you are in life, single, dating, married, in search of or feel like you will never date again, or not happy in your current relationship, this show offers great perspectives for everyone! Including ways to form strong, lasting relationships, or even strengthen the one you’re already happy in so it can weather any storm.

We will talk about common marital and relationship pitfalls, an important dialogue with the divorce rates what they are. And we know things sometimes don’t work out, so we will discuss shifting anger when relationships fail, and how to divorce without declaring war on your former partner, but instead, claiming and leading your own life with grace and respect.


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Path to Prosperity: A Refugee Shares her Journey of Resilience and 5 Principles to Live By

Uncategorized Jan 08, 2020

Click here to read original publication: https://bestselfmedia.com/from-refugee-to-revival/

By Laleh Alemzadeh-Hancock

Despite a life of upheaval and constant change, one resilient and positive woman was able to transform herself into a vibrant leader.

When I was 7 years old, my family’s future was changed forever when the Iranian revolution hit. 

My father, an executive director of a textile company, was a target of those who opposed the Shah and his ministry. In less than 24 hours and with just 3 suitcases, my mother, two sisters and I, boarded an airplane to France with no clue of what the future held. My father stayed behind to take care of his employees but had to go into hiding for his own safety. Unfortunately, it did not take long for the government to use his remaining family as a way to bring him in and send him to prison. When this happened, his whole life was seized — money, properties, and business — and the life we knew vanished.

Growing up, I was a naturally happy, ...

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The Importance of Resilience

When You’re a Woman in Business

Read original post here.

Resilience is part our biological and historical make-up as women. It’s well-documented that not only do we tend to live longer than our male counterparts, we are also the ones who, at times of war and upheaval, have kept commerce and communities going. 

So how does this resilience play out in the world of business, and why is it so important?

Resilient women are those with the ability to see the bigger picture, a vision for a greater future, and who are willing to take the actions required today to bring that future to fruition. In essence, resilient women are leaders for the future.

As a leader for the future, you recognize that your choice is the creative element for what happens now and in the future. To have more choices available, you must challenge the limits and thresholds you’ve consciously or unconsciously placed on yourself.

Bust your limits, build your resilience as a leader, and take your business into a greate...

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Lies of Business

Uncategorized Dec 23, 2019

Click here to listen to original publication.

Aired Monday, December 23, 2019 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST

Whose lies and what lies have you bought about business?

Did you realize that you could create beyond anyone else’s point of view about what business is and what business should and should not be?

Would you be willing to have a business like nobody else’s?

What if you could have a business that works for you instead of you having to work for it all the time?

What if business could actually be fun, joyful and easy?


Guest Bios:

Laleh Alemzadeh Hancock is a management consultant, Joy of Business facilitator and the CEO of Belapemo and Global Wellness For All.

With nearly 30 years of experience in operational excellence, change management, and organizational wellness, Laleh has inspired and empowered businesses and hundreds of thousands of individuals, including Fortune 500 executives, to seek greater success and wellness.

Venus Castleberg like most people is a seeker. Sh...

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